Tracing the Fascinating History of Barber Culture

Tracing the Fascinating History of Barber Culture

The tradition of barbering has had a long-standing presence throughout time, serving as both an influence and reflection of society’s grooming ideals. This legacy continues to flourish in prestigious barber schools across Texas that provide thorough training in...
A Day In The Life Of A Barber

A Day In The Life Of A Barber

A day in the life of a barber starts with turning on clippers and chatting about news or sports. Each cut brings new stories, making no two days alike. In barber shops, you find yourself amid lively talks and buzzing sounds. Becoming one takes more than skill; it...
Barbers vs. Hairdressers: What’s the Difference?

Barbers vs. Hairdressers: What’s the Difference?

Deciding between a career as a barber or hairdresser? You’re contemplating professions steeped in tradition, artistry, and personal connection. Each path offers unique techniques for styling and caring for hair but requires distinct skill sets. As you weigh your...